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Quality Baked Goods In the German Tradition Since 1930
4164 Barnett St., Mayfair, Philadelphia, PA 19135

Reflections On Mother's Day 2021

Every so often I make a post that is not necessarily an ordinary post for a holiday. Reflections on Mother's Day 2021 is just such a post. It is more on sentiment and things behind the scenes at Haegele's, rather than our featured highlights of products. Course there has been nothing ordinary about this past year and since it is Mother's Day, I thought I would indulge my thoughts with this post. As I was doing a little housekeeping around the bakery, I found a little baker's apron folded and pushed to the back of a drawer. Memories of this little apron came flooding back to my mind instantly.

It was made for Elijah (my youngest son) on his 3rd birthday by his grandmother (2nd generation). An unusual gift for a three year old you might think, but for Eli it was his favorite gift that year. You see... being the youngeset son, Eli was "full-time" at the bakery. By the time he was born toys, baby gates, play pens were taking up permanent residence around the bakery. When I went to work, Eli went to work. In early years, the pac-n-play sat in the store and customers loved to greet him and adjust his toys. Eli had constant entertainment. As he grew and learned to walk, he was relegated to the back under his father's careful eye. Eli wanted to know where his apron was, and he was quite emphatic about it. He wanted to be just like all the bakers. Thus the idea was born in the mind of his grandmother. Through her talented hands, the "best gift ever" was sewn! In Eli's 3 year old mind, he became a baker that year and was just like his dad. BUT not to show favoritism to the back, grandmom bought him a little broom and dust pan too. After all, his roots were in the storefront with all the counter crew!

 Fast forward 17 years and you get the picture above. My youngest son Eli, standing at 6'5", is truly a baker. Dressed in whites and an apron, he works daily besides his older brother Aaron and longtime baker Freddy (who can attest to those years when Eli wanted an apron of his own). Oh my how time passes so quickly and how blessed I am as a mother to have my boys still by my side. I had the same gratitude when they were in the pac-n-play at the bakery. How fortunate was I that I didn't have to leave my children when I went to work. As the world seems to be opening up again, I am quite aware that there are many people who have been touched by hardship, sickness, separation, and loss in these past months. Our family is not without exception. Gratitude and thankfulness are keys to rising above circumstances of this world. Look for the blessing in the day. There is always something to be thankful for, and you might just find it in the smallest of things! Memories of Eli's little apron touched my heart. The fact that I could walk down the steps at the bakery and hold it up to my now grown son and share it's story, touched my heart even more! I hope it touches yours as well. Have a Blessed Mother's Day.
                                                                                     The Little Things... posted 5/8/21