Quality Baked Goods In the German Tradition Since 1930
4164 Barnett St., Mayfair, Philadelphia, PA 19135
Hot Cross Buns
HOT CROSS BUNS...their days are numbered. We only make them from Ash Wednesday to Easter, the season of Lent on the Church's calendar. Lent is often a time of fasting or "giving up" of sweets. Because Hot Cross Buns are made lower in sugar and rich in symbolism, they are considered a "permissible" treat among the faithful during this season of refrain. Similar to a coffee cake, the yeast-raised buns are studded with small currants and lightly glazed. Stories abound about their origins, but the common thread throughout, is the symbol of the Cross which adorns the top. A 12th century Anglican monk was said to have placed the sign of the Cross on the buns to honor Good Friday, the Christian Holy day known as the "day of The Cross". From the pierced and risen dough, the slight bitterness of currants, to the mark of the cross which actually adds the sweetness, Cross Buns tell the Easter story. They are a favorite for many, myself included. I suppose we could make Hot Cross Buns all year long, but somehow they would loose their richness. There really is an appointed time for Hot Cross Buns... and that time is right now! A taste to think about
posted 3/29/17