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Quality Baked Goods In the German Tradition Since 1930
4164 Barnett St., Mayfair, Philadelphia, PA 19135


Sunday 3/29 is Palm Sunday, the beginning of  Holy Week. For those of the Christian Faith it is the holiest week of the year. It begins with the celebration of Palms and shouts of Hosanna on Sunday as Jesus once entered the city of Jerusalem, and ends not in death on a cross on Friday, but rather resurrection on Easter Sunday. It is the season for the reason we have hope! Death is not the end, and Easter is a glorious celebration of life! The symbol of the cross takes on new meaning which encompasses the Christian Faith. Easter cakes and cards will be adorned with the cross. So why the egg? The egg is actually a secular symbol of new life and so eggs in all forms (dyed, hardboiled, baked in breads, cakes, or delivered by the "Easter bunny") make their way into most Easter traditions. Our Easter Egg pound cakes have graced the holiday table of many generations. It really is a joy to be a part of such family traditions. Our full line of Easter specialities, babka, and cakes will be available throughout the week. You can view some things on the Holiday page of our webstite, but a visit to our store includes a smell that we're told is worth the trip! Have a Blessed week and a glorious Easter celebration. Take time to smell the flowers and appreciate all the gifts you have in life!