The calendar reads December and the smell of gingerbread permeates the air. The first batch of our pfefferneuss has been baked and powdered sugar, like snow, is everywhere! It's a winter scene for sure, in our little store as we ready our shelves with such Christmas specialties that we only make this time of year. Springerle, zimmsterne, lebkuchen, and mini-macaroons, just to name a few...are making their annual debut again as proof that the calendar is true. Yes, Christmas is most definitely near and our bakers know it for sure. The tastes and traditions of the Holiday season take our shelves to a dizzying capacity. Much like elves, our bakers work tirelessly thru the month. But without a complaint, and in fact with a spring in their steps, they go to work at their benches with a sense of joy, even "merriment". The traditions of the Holiday season are not labor but love, and with every passing year they grow ever more dear!!! Come share in the traditions of Christmas, baked fresh in our 1930's store. Come experience the best smells of the season, you need only to walk through our door. Come sample our butter cookies, purchase a gingerbread-man or two.....take a step back in time, and share your memories so ever true. From all of us at Haegele's, we wish you true JOY for the season and PEACE beyond measure, perhaps even a spring in your step as you walk through December! Blessings to all......
Pfefferneuss |
posted 12/5/14